Archive | May, 2013


29 May

What can both  tickle your innards and grate on your nerves at the same time?

Liam Liam





A 3 year old captain america REALLY enjoying a pear.<insert smacking slurping>  lol


25 May

Lovely daughter, crystal surprised me at work with a bouquet of spring!

Spring Spring

Aren’t they just lovely?  Some type of ruffled tulip I think.


And some dusty leafy “stuff” and green ” pod ” things….sure wish the flower shop would stick a note telling me what the plants actually are on with the delivery!

at any rate, they made my day little one!  A thousand thanks for the flowers and for you!


ps.  Arrrrr ye ready to paaaarty me mateys?  Hoping to get pix from the recent pirate party up this weekend!  So check back or ye  will be walkin’ the plank!


Mom’s day giggle

13 May

Ok.  It was more like a guffaw-snort-giggle and REPEAT.

so sister Kelly (not the catholic kind of sister), brother kebba and sis-in-law Lisa, daughter carin & crew popped into mom’s to share dessert and mimoss’s.  It was a lovely afternoon.  not funny you say?  True.  Patience young grasshopper.

so mom and I are standing next to each other divying up the cheesecake and cookies and dips and Scott walks into the room and CRACKS my mom on the ass!  lolshtidmt  (laughing out loud so hard that I dropped my taco)

scott of course is unflappable and gives mom a big hug and says something about looking just like her daughter.  Honestly I don’t really know what he said because I was flat out on the floor in convulsions- snorting and guffawing and generally just trying to breathe.

best mother’s day ever.  Seriously, BEST MOTHER’S DAY EVER!

Teacup succulents

1 May

the theme for the Pinterest party was “housewarming”. What is more housewarming than a plant?
Teacup succulants

So I gathered up some lovely little tea cups and under the direction and help from the Flandreau Flower Shoppe, I planted a variety on little succulents in the cups.


I named each plant and wrote up a little snippet of personality. Carin then created little tags to tie onto the tea cup handles and a larger tag that I put in a little brown bag topped with a paper doilly for the actual”drawing” at the party.

Tags  Pretty bags

After the drawing, the recipient just matched up her “tag in a bag” with the tag on the tea cup.

Teacup plants  Succullents

The goodies I brought home included a hostess apron and tiny sock coin purse, a canvas painting, a set of padded hangers, 2 sets of fabric magnets, and a cupcake zippered pouch. Check out for snaps of all the Pinterest inspired items.

Naturally everyone also brought snacks from our Pinterest boards. My bacon jalapeño cheese ball was a hit with every one except the vegetarians! Other items shared were snicker cake, chocolate dipped strawberries, pasta salad, chocolate dipped potato chips, tiny cherry cheesecakes, oatmeal squares, and Rice Krispie sushi. I may have missed something there. Sara is collecting recipes and Pinterest links and will put together a listing either at or on her Pinterest account.

A little chatting, some sharing and even a little lie telling made for a good time for all! Thanks Cleo and Sara and gang! See you all at the December event!